• 2024-present: Assistant Professor at the University of Macau, SAR China
  • 2020-2023: Senior Instructor at the University of Macau, SAR China
  • 2017-2019   Assistant Professor. Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais – PUC MINAS/ IEC
  • 2014-2015   Visiting scholar. New York University Abu Dhabi – NYU Abu Dhabi. Library –United Arab Emirates. From March 3rd 2014 to August 1st 2015.
  • 2012-2015  Assistant Professor at the University of Macau, SAR China
  • 2007-2008   Visiting Research Fellow. International Research Center for Japanese Studies – Nichibunken (Kyoto, Japan). The Japan Foundation Fellowship Program. Postdoctoral Research.
  • 2002-2006 Instructor (Substitute Professor) at University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)

Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée (AILC)

Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada (ABRALIC)

Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Letras e Linguística (ANPOLL)

International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS)

Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (GfdS)

Deutscher Lusitanistenverband (DLV)

Latin-American Association for Germanic Studies (ALEG)


1 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2024). Materialidade das novas mídias incorporadas no modernismo literário: Laranja-da-China de Antônio de Alcântara Machado. Moderna Språk, 118 (3): 228-244. DOI: https://doi.org/10.58221/mosp.v118i3.24115

2 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2021). O (in)evitável ‘monstruoso bicho repugnante’ (ungeheueres Ungeziefer) na retradução de Die Verwandlung de Kafka. Cadernos de Tradução, 41(3): 221-241. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-7968.2021.e83254

3 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2018). A interpretação figural e a questão da teleologia. Auerbach: leituras de Hayden White e Timothy Bahti. Palimpsesto online – Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação da UERJ, 4(4). ISSN: 1809-3507. https://www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br/index.php/palimpsesto/article/view/35557

4 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2015). A poética de Hans-Georg Gadamer e a poesia de Paul Celan. Remate de Males, 35(1): 143-164. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20396/remate.v35i1.8641510

5 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2015). Tradução e Retraduções de Medo, uma novela de Stefan Zweig: O ‘eterno retorno’ da popularidade do autor. New Routes, 56(1): 28-35. Disal. ISSN 1516-3601.

6 – Abi-Sâmara, R. & Schmaltz, M. (2014). Tradução de poesia entre português e chinês: pesquisa e catalogação historiográfica na Universidade de Macau. Cadernos de Literatura em Tradução, 14(1): 49-60. DOI: https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2359-5388.i14p49-60

7 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2014). A poesia no ensino de PLE para falantes de chinês: arte e linguagem em sala de aula. Revista Platô, 5(3):92-107. Macau: Forum de Macau & University of Macau; Cabo Verde: Editora do II LP. ISBN: 2311-6625 online.

8 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2013). A quadratura do círculo: tradução da (e para a) poesia chinesa”. Scientia Traductionis, 13(1), 197-200. Introduction to the poetry dossier “Chinese Poetry and Translation”, guest-edited by Raquel Abi-Sâmara. DOI: https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/scientia/article/view/30266/25165

9 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2013). Entre idiomas ocidentais e o chinês: o império dos significados na tradução da poesia, a exemplo de Mao Dun”.  Scientia Traductionis, 13(1), 274-280. DOI: https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/scientia/article/view/30274

10 – Abi-Sâmara, R. & Yao, J. (2013) Entrevista com Yao Feng.  Scientia Traductionis, 13(1), 224-238. DOI: https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/scientia/issue/view/ST13

11 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2012). Antoine Berman na China: A tradução e o ideograma ou o albergue das letras longínquas.  Scientia Traductionis, 11(1), 377-387. DOI: https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/scientia/article/view/1980-4237.2012n11p377

12 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2012). Egg tarts ou pastéis de nata? A tradução da tradição em Macau. Revista Fragmentum, 2(1), 65-70. . DOI: http://cascavel.ufsm.br/revistas/ojs-2.2.2/index.php/fragmentum/article/view/7876

13 – Abi-Sâmara, R. & Suzuki, Sadami. (2008). Entrevista com Suzuki Sadami, por Raquel Abi-Sâmara. (How would you define Japanese Modernism? An Interview to Suzuki Sadami by Raquel Abi-Sâmara. Edited by William Tyler). Translated by Yuri Caribé and Luciana Ginezi. Dialogia, 7(1), 15-28. ISSN: 1677-1303. The original interview is also available on Prof. Suzuki Sadami’s website: http://sadamisuzukihp.jp/2008/int-final.pdf

14 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2006). Martin Luther: ‘efeito de distanciamento’ e camadas temporais na tradução (Verfremdungseffekt and layers of time in the translation of Martin Luther into Portuguese). Annals of the Sixth Brazilian Congress and First Latin-American Congress of Professors of German, pp. 1-9. Website: http://www.abrapa.org.br/cd/pdfs/Abi-Samara-S6-Raquel.pdf

15 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2006). Paul Celan: a caminho do ‘tu’ e da realidade poética. Annals of the Tenth International Congress of the Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature– Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada. ISBN: 978-85-98402-04-8.

16 – Abi-Sâmara, R. & Gadamer, Hans-Georg. (2005). Uma das últimas entrevistas concedidas por Hans-Georg Gadamer (One of the last interviews offered by Hans-Georg Gadamer. Interviewer: Raquel Abi-Sâmara). Interview transcript by Prof. Rolf G. Renner (University of Freiburg) and translated from German into Portuguese by Murilo Jardelino and Heidi Berg, pp.5-15. Forum Deutsch. Brazilian Journal of German Studies of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), edited by Izabela Kestler (in memoriam) v. IX. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ. ISSN 1415-5826. pp. 5-15.

17 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2002). Experiência face ao Horror: Poesia e Hermenêutica. Mediações. CD-ROM of the Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature (ABRALIC), VIII International Congress Abralic. University of the State of Minas Gerais (UFMG).

18 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (1997). O Purgatório (Canto VI) e o Romantismo Brasileiro. Cadernos de Tradução, 2(1). Florianópolis: UFSC (University of the State of Santa Catarina) n.2: 355-367.

Chapters in Books

1 – Abi-Sâmara, R. & Lages, S.K. (2021). “Poesia: talvez signifique uma troca de ar” – ou um ar-reverso (Atemwende). Book blurb. In: Celan, Paul. Ar-reverso (Atemwende). Translated by Guilherme Gontijo Flores. São Paulo: Editora 34. ISBN 978 65-5525-076-3.

2 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2020). “Constellations and ideograms. Eugen Gomringer’s multilingual concrete poetry”. In: Corbett, John B.; Huang, D. (Eds.). The Translation and Transmission of Concrete Poetry, pp.127-149. New York: Routledge. Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies. ISBN: 978-1-138-50382-3 (hbk).

3 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2019). “O não silêncio, o nada, o eu/não eu na poesia de Adriana Lisboa”. Postface to the book Deriva by the Brazilian writer Adriana Lisboa. Belo Horizonte: Relicário, pp.69-74. ISBN 978-85-66786-003-1.

4 – Abi-Sâmara, R.; Milton, J.; Lima-Hernandes, M.C. (2019). “Cruzando saberes Brasil – Grande China: uma apresentação”, pp.7-17. In: Milton, J.; Lima-Hernandes, M.C.; Abi-Sâmara, R. (Eds.). Crossings: Brasil, Portugal e Grande China. São Paulo: Paulistana. ISBN 978-85-5336-003-1.

5 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2012). “Flor é a palavra flor? A poética do tradutor de poesia: um aspecto nos Estudos da Tradução”. In: Luna, Maria José de Matos; Moura, Vera (Eds). Língua e Literatura.- Perspectivas teórico-práticas, pp. 319-349. Recife: Editora Universitária da UFPE (Federal University of Pernambuco). ISBN 978-85-415-0057-9/1.

6 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2006). “Atemkristall: Ein poetisches Rätsel, ein Fragenkomplex der Übersetzung”. In: Annals of the Twelfth Latin-American Congress of Germanic Studies – Leipzig, Germany. Edited by ALEG (Asociacíon Latinoamericana de Estudios Germanísticos), pp. 238-251. ISBN-10:3-00-019205-0; ISBN-13:978-3-00-019205-0.

7 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2006). “Traduzir Paul Celan: uma tarefa sem limite”. In:  Souza, M.P.; Carvalho, R.; Salgueiro, W. (Eds.).Sob o signo de Babel – Literatura e poéticas da tradução, pp. 69-74. Vitória: PPGL-Mel; Flor & cultura editores. Graduate Program in Literature of the Federal University of Espírito Santo. ISBN: 978-85-99345-04-7.

8 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2005). “Hans-Georg Gadamer: leitor de Paul Celan”. In: Gadamer, Hans-Georg. Quem sou eu, quem és tu? (Wer bin Ich, Were best Du), pp.9-37. Translated by Raquel Abi-Sâmara. Rio de Janeiro: EdUERJ, Publishing House of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. pp. 9-37.

9 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2005). “’O Meridiano’ e ‘O silêncio das sereias’: Paul Celan e Kafka. In: Beil, U.J.; Dornbusch, C.; Nomura, M. (Eds.). Blickwechsel. São Paulo, Paraty, Petrópolis. v. 2. São Paulo: EdUSP. Publishing House of the University of Sao Paulo (USP). ISBN: 85-314-0906-3. pp 356-360.

10 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2004). “Die Übersetzung von Trakls ‘Verfalls’ ins brasilianische und europäische Portugiesisch”. In: Endruschat, Annette; Schönberger, Axel. Übersetzung und Übersetzen aus dem und ins Portugiesische. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Domus Editoria Europaea, pp. 129-139. ISBN: 3-927884-58-8 / ISSN: 0937-2059.

11 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (2003). “À luz do entretenimento”. In: Ferreira dos Santos, Jair. Breve, o Pós-Humano – ensaios contemporâneos, p.1 (book blurb). Rio de Janeiro: Francisco Alves. 2.ed. ISBN 85.265.0460-6.


Co-edited Books

1 – Abi-Sâmara, R. & Castro-Rocha, J.C. (Eds). Beyond, Belated and Out of Place? Non-Hegemonic Literary and Aesthetic Moments on a Global Scale. (under contract with Brill)

2 – Milton, J.; Abi-Sâmara, R.; Lima-Hernandes, M.C. (Eds.). (2019). Crossings: Brasil, Portugal e Grande China. São Paulo: Paulistana. 320pp. Selection of papers presented at the international symposium Crossings (University of Sao Paulo, USP, July 2015, organized in partnership with the University of Macau). ISBN 978-85-5336-003-1

3 – Abi-Sâmara, R.; Urushima, A.F.; Jardelino, M. (Eds). (2016). 都市の近代化と現代文化――ブラジル・日本の対話から (Urban Modernization and Contemporary Culture: Dialogues Brazil-Japan). Bilingual publication, English and Japanese. The publication gathers papers presented by Japanese and Brazilian authors presented in the International Symposium Brazil-Japan “Urban Modernization and Contemporary Culture” organized by Abi-Sâmara, Urushima and Jardelino in 2008 at the Latin America Memorial in Sao Paulo, in the occasion of the Centennial of the Japanese Imimigration to Brazil. CIAS Discussion Paper N.61. Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University. Kyoto, Japan. 120 pp. http://www.cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp/files/pdf/publish/ciasdp61.pdf

4 – Abi-Sâmara, R.; Urushima, A.F.; Jardelino, M. (Eds).(2015). Modernização urbana e cultura contemporânea: diálogos Brasil-Japão.  The book  is a selection of papers presented at the International Symposium Brazil-Japan in 2008 at the Latin America Memorial, Sao Paulo. The interdisciplinary symposium was a dialogue between Architecture, Urbanization and Literature. It was organized in partnership with the University of Sao Paulo (USP), Kyoto University, and the International Research Centre for Japanese Studies (NICHIBUNKEN, Kyoto), as one of the outputs of my post-doctoral research at NICHIBUNKEN (2007-8). São Paulo: Terracota Editora. 232 pp. ISBN 978-85-8380-028-6

 5 – Abi-Sâmara, R.; Gohn, C.; Schmaltz, M. (Eds). (2014).《中国橙》China’s Orange (Laranja-da-China). Short Stories by the Brazilian Modernist Alcântara Machado. Book translated from Portuguese into Chinese by Chinese MA Students of the University of Macau. Literary supervision in the process of translation, introduction and edition by Raquel Abi-Sâmara, Carlos Gohn, M.Schmaltz. Revision of translation by Yao Jingming. 176 pp. Two volumes: one in simplified Chinese characters; the other volume in traditional Chinese characters. Macau: University of Macau. ISBN 978-99965-1-055-7.

6 – Abi-Sâmara, R.; Schmaltz, M. (Eds). (2013).《会爪哇语的人》The Man Who Knew Javanese. (O homem que sabia javanês). Lima Barreto’s book translated from Portuguese into Chinese by Chinese MA Students of the University of Macau. Literary supervision in the process of translation, introduction and edition by Abi-Sâmara and Schmaltz (Eds.). Revisiion of translation by Yao Jingming. Macau: University of Macau. ISBN 978-99965-1-039-7

7 – Abi-Sâmara, R.; Galvão, C.T.; Melo, L.C. (Eds.). (2003). Letras: Horizontes visíveis. Book summarizing the plenary sessions of the First International Meeting of Post-Graduate Students in Letters (State University of Rio de Janeiro, UERJ) organised by Abi-Sâmara, Galvão and Melo. Rio de Janeiro: H.P. Comunicação, 202pp. ISBN:  857576041-6

Translated Books (from German into Portuguese)

1 – Abi-Sâmara, R; Jardelino, M. (translators). (2020). Freud por Stefan Zweig (Original title: Sigmund Freud, by Stefan Zweig). Rio de Janeiro: Editora Nova Fronteira, 192p. ISBN 978-65-5640-110-2.

2 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (translator). (2019). A Metamorfose (Original title: Die Verwandlung, by Franz Kafka) The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka.. São Paulo: Editora Planeta, 95 pp. ISBN 978-85-422-171 

3 – Abi-Sâmara, R.; Jardelino, M. (translators). (2017). O homem sem chão: a biografia de Vilém Flusser. (Original title: Vilém Flusser. Ein Leben in der Bodenlosigkeit, by Rainer Guldin and Gustavo B. Krause), 205pp. São Paulo: Annablume. ISBN 978-85-391-0874-9.

4 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (translator). (2017). O mundo codificado: por uma filosofia do design e da comunicação, by Vilém Flusser. Edited by Rafael Cardoso, 224p. The book is a collection of selected articles written in German by the philosopher Vilém Flusser. São Paulo: Ubu Editora. 3rd ed. First and second edition were published by Cosac & Naify, (Sao Paulo, 2007, 2008). ISBN: 978-85-7503-593-1. This book has had an impressive and huge repercussion in the academic environment (over 2300 citations at Google Scholar).

5 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (translator). (2014). Medo. (Original title: Angst, by Stefan Zweig), 121 pp. In: Zweig, Stefan. Três novelas femininas. Selection and edition of the novels by Alberto Dines. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar Editora. ISBN 9788537812662.

6 – Abi-Sâmara, R.; Kretschmmer, J. (translators). (2009). Sertão, República e Nação. (Original tiitle: Sertão, Republik und Nation, by Dawid Bartelt), 376 pp.  This book is a doctoral thesis in History by Dawid Bartelt, defended at Free University of Berlin. The book is a relevant research on the “Brazilian Canudos’ War as a discursive event. It analyses the processes by which the hinterland of northeastern Brazil, the Sertão, became the object of modernizing policies in the emerging Brazilian Nation-State of the nineteenth century. São Paulo: EdUSP (University of Sao Paulo Publishing House) / Livraria da Republica. ISBN: 978-85-314-1068, // 10-85-314-1068-1.

7 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (translator and author of the introductory essay). (2005). Quem sou eu, quem és tu? (Original title: Wer bin Ich und wer bist Du? Ein Kommentar zu Paul Celans Gedichtfolge ‘Atemkristall’,  by Hans-Georg Gadamer), 161pp. Pages of Abi-Sâmara’s essay/presentation (9-39). Pages of Gadamer’s book (40-161). After the introductory essay, it was published a letter written by Hans-Georg Gadamer to his translator, R. Abi-Sâmara, dated 9 July, 2001.  ISBN: 85-7511-076-4. Title of the introductory chapter:  “Hans-Georg Gadamer: leitor de Paul Celan. Apresentação de Raquel Abi-Sâmara”. The article performs as an introduction for the book Wer bin Ich und wer bist Du, and it is a summary of Abi-Sâmara doctoral thesis, defended at UERJ in 2004. This book had also a great repercussion in the Brazilian midia and academic environment, with several reviews written by reputed intellectuals in Brazil (like Luiz Costa Lima, Gustavo Bernardo Krause etc) in the principal newspapers like Estado de São Paulo, Folha de São Paulo, Jornal do Brasil. The book was recommended by the prestigious literary newspaper “Caderno MAIS” (Folha de São Paulo, 15 May 2005) between the “10+” (Os dez +/ The 10 Plus), a selection of 10 books and cultural events indicated by “Caderno Mais+”.  https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/fsp/mais/fs1505200501.htm

8 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (translator). (2002). Kadisch por uma criança não nascida (Title of source text: Kaddish für ein nicht geborenes Kind, by Imre Kertész). The book is a novel by Imre Kertész, first published in 1990. Translated for the first time into Portuguese by Abi-Sâmara in 1995. Seven years later, the author was awarded the Nobel Prize of Literature, and his only book in Portuguese language was this one. By this time the translation was already sold out, so the publisher launched a second publication just some weeks after the Nobel Prize Ceremony, and this one translation gained enormous visibility in Brazil, and the translator was interviewed by various media (Radio BBC Brazil, London, Folha de São Paulo etc) to talk about Kertesz’ fictional work. Rio de Janeiro: Imago. 2.ed. First edition was published in 1995. 132 pp. ISBN: 85.312.0437-2.

9 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (translator). (1995). O pintor de Pequim  (Original title: Der Maler von Beijing, by Tilman Spengler), 132 pp. Rio de Janeiro: Imago. ISBN: 85.312.0437-2.

10 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (translator). (1994). A estrela amarela: a perseguição aos judeus na Europa 1933-1945. (Original title: Der gelbe Stern – Die Verfolgung der Juden in Europa 1933-1945, by Gerhard Schoenberner), 332 pp. Rio de Janeiro: Imago. ISBN: 85.312.0388-0.

Translated  Chapters in Books

1 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (translator). (2007). “Habitar a casa na apatridade”, pp.221-236. In: Flusser, Vilém. Bodenlos: uma autobiografia filosófica. Universo das imagens: Elogio da superficialidade. São Paulo: Annablume. ISBN: 978-85-7419-688-6.

2 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (translator). (2007). “Meu caminho de Praga”, pp.243-245. In: FLUSSER, Vilém. Bodenlos: uma autobiografia filosófica. Universo das imagens: Elogio da superficialidade. São Paulo: Annablume. ISBN: 978-85-7419-688-6.

3 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (translation and critical footnotes). (2006). “Comentários sobre os Salmos e os motivos da tradução“. (Original title: “Summarien über die Psalmen und Ursachen des Dolmetschens”, by Martin Luther, pp 136-159. In: Furlan, Mauri (Ed.) Clássicos da Teoria da Tradução. VI Anthology of Translation in the Renaissance periode. UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina). ISBN: 85-88464-09-8. Florianópolis. VI Anthology of Translation in the Renaissance periode.

4 – Abi-Sâmara, R. (translator). (1995). “Introdução”. (Original title: “Einleitung”, by Ernst Falzeder). In: Brabant, E.; Falzeder, E.; Gianpieri-Detsch, P. (Eds). Correspondência Sigmund Freud & Sandor Ferenczi – 1912-1914, pp.11-18. Rio de Janeiro: Imago. ISBN:  85.312.0470-4

Translation Review and Editing (From German into Portuguese)

1 – Abi-Sâmara, R.; Kretschmmer, J.; Berg, H. (translation reviewers). (2006). O princípio esperança (Original title: Das Prinzip Hoffnung, by Ernst Bloch), v.II., 480 pp. Translated by Nélio Schneider. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Contraponto. ISBN 9788575110911

2 – Abi-Sâmara, R. & Kretschmmer, J. (translation reviewers). (2006). O princípio esperança (Original title: Das Prinzip Hoffnung, by Ernst Bloch), v.I., 434 pp. Translated by Werner Fuchs. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Contraponto. ISBN: 9788585910723